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Company Profile

The ASMG is a Canadian technology company based in Ottawa. The company delivers innovative business and technology solutions to complex Information Management challenges for both the public and private sectors. We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver sustainable capability and transfer critical knowledge to our clients and strategic partners. Our solutions integrate state of the practice architecture and policy based software services to the challenges of information and protection (security, confidentiality and privacy). By focusing on knowledge transfer and partnership opportunities, we are expanding our relationships both, nationally and internationally. Having successfully established a presence in the public sector, the next step is for ASMG to take our knowledge, expertise and technology into markets with increasing requirements to share information in a secure and trusted manner: e.g., Emergency Management, Crisis management, Homeland Security, Healthcare, E-Government, smart Grid and Cloud Computing.


Leadership in the areas of Information Interoperability and Information Protection standards and solutions


We empower organizations to successfully integrate IM/IT solution into their overall business strategy, through some of the activities listed below. They are end-to-end services for the management of IT functions. Included may be systems integration and consulting.

The Approach

ASMG successfully migrates the best practices, techniques, tools and standards into "business solutions" for each client. We endeavour to ensure that the implementation of new techniques and technologies maximize the use of existing infrastructure investment and minimizes the impact of change on existing operational practices.

We provide the means by which clients can deploy a suite of tools to manage, manipulate, transform and deliver information to the required location in a trusted and reliable manner. If required, ASMG can incorporate it's own unique tools to assist in the development of an information portal infrastructure to provide users with the best information available from existing information sources.

Company Philosophy

Clearly each client's requirements and other needs are unique. In addition, each organization understands its business requirements and its people best. Our expertise in systems development and in the selection, blending and deployment of new and existing techniques and technologies provide a stable and sustainable system life-cycle. In so doing, it fosters the ability to span the full range of accepted industry methodologies, practices, technologies and standards presently used in a wide range of application domains to serve the client's requirements without imposing a single vendor or single industry perspective. The result is a strong commitment to deliver innovative solutions to complex business, software engineering and information management challenges.

ASMG demonstrates is desire to communicate and transfer knowledge through its participation in the Object Management Group (OMG) and dedicated support for the development of the Shared Operational Picture Exchange Services (SOPES) and Information Exchange Framework (IEF) initiatives.

ASMG Co-chairs:

Consultation, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C4I)Domain Task force

Emergency, Crisis and major Event Management Special Interest Group

Information Exchange Framework (IEF) Working Group

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